In Stride Equestrian

My name is Michele Arana and welcome to In Stride Equestrian. My story starts in a similar way as many equestrians; a deep rooted love and connection for the horse. I had no idea where this love and passion would take me but one thing was for sure, that it could not be ignored. And so my journey began.
You see, I did not grow up on a farm or with horse parents. I grew up in Queens and Long Island, a concrete and bustling world where you were lucky to live on a street with lots of trees and a decent back yard! So how did a girl like me end up on a farm in South Carolina? That is a very long story, in short it was my ever growing need to educate myself to be the best educator for both horse and human that I could be.
For the last 10 years I have worked to curate an educational program that is founded in empathy, knowledge and growth for both horse and rider. Regardless of discipline, breed, goals etc, I've found that all horses (and humans) benefit from a strong foundation built off of physical and spiritual awareness and education. This foundation is the glue in horse/human partnership that will set you up for success in every way.
With a focus on classical dressage, I look to incorporate my wealth of knowledge and understanding into my training and riding. Training is by no means a structured ladder of progression, but often requires a creative mind to evolve past how things have been done and to look at what is best for both horse and rider in each moment.
This means taking an alternative approach to classical dressage. There is wonderful information to be learned from the old masters, but the beauty of today is the fact that we have access to a vast and wide variety of research that gives us a much deeper understanding of training our equine partners.
There is something to be said about the beauty of tradition, as well as the innovation available today. That is, that we can live in a world where they both exist, but not just exist, allow for us equestrians to thrive with our horses, in the arena and beyond.
If you are looking to connect with your horse and find purpose in your process, sign up in the box below and send a message with any and all questions!